2001年3月27日 星期二

what a killer

A pitch by Randy Johnson hit and killed a dove flying in
front of home plate.

Randy Johnson 投出一球,正好打中了當時位於本壘板前方飛的一隻鴿子。鴿子當下就掛了。

The lethal pitch came during the seventh inning of the
Arizona Diamondbacks' 10-5 victory against the San
Francisco Giants on Saturday.


The bird flew over the catcher Rod Barajas' head and
landed a few feet from the plate amid a sea of feathers.

這鴿子被擊中之後彈飛過了捕手 Rod Barajas的頭頂,掉在距離本壘板數呎之外的地上,掉了滿地的羽毛。

"I'm sitting there waiting for it, and I'm expecting to
catch the thing, and all you see is an explosion," Barajas
said. "It's crazy. There's still feathers down there."

捕手 Barajas說,我蹲在那裡打算接球,我也期待會接到球,然後誰知道就看到了爆炸的景象。這真是太瘋狂了,那裡還有羽毛呢。

Johnson, the NL Cy Young winner and perhaps the game's
hardest thrower, was not amused.

不過 Randy Johnson這位國聯的最佳投手獎得主,或許是全聯盟中投球最剛猛的人,顯然並不大樂。

"I didn't think it was all that funny," he said.


In 1983, Yankees outfielder Dave Winfield killed a seagull
in Toronto with a warmup throw. Police charged him with
animal cruelty, although the charge was later dropped.

在一九八三年,當時洋基的外野手 Dave Winfield曾經在暖身傳球時打死了一隻海鷗,警方隨後以虐待動物的罪名打算起訴他,不過隨後又取消了該項起訴行動。

"This was a little more dramatic," Arizona manager Bob
Brenly said. "I can honestly say I have never seen that

響尾蛇的監督 Bob Brenly 說,這實在是有點太戲劇化了。我可以老實告訴你,這是我第一次看到這樣的事情。

